Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Stars in my eyes

Via Jessamyn, this handy guide to one of my vices. Now I feel even more virtuous about watching the entire second season of Six Feet Under on DVD, on this very computer.

In other news: cut out 14 giant cloth starfish last night for the birthday party, and edged them in glitter glue. When I'd laid them all out to dry, our living room looked like the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

(Did you know that just anyone can nominate their favorite actor for a star on the Walk of Fame? I'll be putting that on my list of things to do. Right after stuffing the goody bags for the pinata.)

And speaking of fame & fortune (& Six Feet Under), what do J. K. Rowling and Alan Ball have in common? Turns out both were inspired by this woman, one of my heroes too. J. K. even named her daughter after her.


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