Saturday, August 21, 2004

I admit that I am powerless

I am a lunatic. I have spent hours and hours today drifting from blog to blog to blog, reading and reading and reading. I used to read books! On paper! And talk to friends! On the phone! Now all I do is read blogs, which are kind of a nafarious combination of the two. Only I don't get that sense of accomplishment that I get when I read a book (or the virtuous feeling, especially if it's a kid's or YA book, that actually I am working or at least doing professional reading), and I don't get to connect with actual friends who I have known for years.

I know, I know, I can make new friends on the Internet, and on many of the blogs I have been reading I can see that people have done just that. But I haven't, yet. (Well, there is my new boyfriend, the Zero Boss-- Hi, Jay!) Partly because I'm new at this, and partly because I'm shy and lazy and mostly just lurk on people's blogs rather than introducing myself. I am not a natural networker like my spouse, who gets a huge kick out of hooking people up with each other. I get a huge kick out of hooking people up with books. Which I won't be able to do much of any more, since I seem to no longer be reading them (see above).

Anyway, here are a few of the blogs I was reading today, when I wasn't shopping or putting groceries away or watching Lilo & Stitch with Sarah:

Meg Cabot's blog. Meg Cabot wrote The Princess Diaries, which is hugely popular with many kids I know. If you even glance at her blog, you'll see why. She is funny and chatty and personable and made me want to write to her even though I know she gets thousands of e-mails, mostly from teenage girls, and really doesn't need any more. I also felt a great kinship with her because she too admits to a slight blogging-addiction problem. [Scroll down to the February 23rd entry to see her thoughts on this.]

The Julie/Julia Project. I blogrolled this even though it has pretty much closed as a blog, because it is so amazing. I found it through bookslut, and apparently I am the last person on earth to have heard of it, thus confirming my status as the ultimate anti-fashion barometer. The story, in a nutshell [in case you too have been living under a rock]: a twentysomething secretary, deciding she needs a challenge and focus, resolves to cook all 536 recipes in Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking in the following year, and to write a blog documenting her experiences. Not only does she succeed in her cooking goal, but her blog is so well-written and charming (and it really is) that she achieves fame, fortune, many new friends and fans, and a book deal. I read this for hours, even though I am an erratic cook at best. I'll be reading the book. Come to think about it, this blog has a lot in common with Meg Cabot's above in that both authors tell [or, in this case, simply demonstrate] modern-day Cinderella stories. (This ability to make far-fetched connections is one reason I did so well as an English major.)

Finslippy. Actually I read this one last night, but it is notable in that it enticed RW to read along, by virtue of a parenting quiz that included a question on phonetics. [Argh! I wrote"in that" twice in two paragraphs! Chalk it up to leftover-- waaayyy leftover--English-major pretension.]

There is more. Much, much, more. Embarrassingly much more. But I must stop now and watch another DVD of 6 Feet Under. We're up to the director's commentaries now, watching only 1 episode per night rather than the 2 or 3 we were gorging on last week when we were watching them for the first time.

Oh, and Sarah's birthday--and birthday party-- are in a week. But have I done anything about this today? Ha! What do you think?


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