Monday, December 08, 2008

Job Updates

So, I interviewed for a job today. It's a job in a system I'd very much like to work in, doing something I'd very much like to do.

I probably won't get it, since hiring is determined about 90% by seniority. Still, I think I did all right at the interview.

It helped that last week I phoned someone I knew was on the hiring committee, to ask about the job and what they were looking for. It never would have occurred to me to do this-- in fact, I was under the distinct impression that calling ahead to ask questions of someone on the inside was sort of cheating. Wouldn't you think? But a friend and mentor who's been in the system for a long time urged me to do it, and said it was important and expected. And indeed, the hiring person seemed fine with it, there were several interview questions that I wouldn't have known how to answer if I hadn't talked with her beforehand.

On the other hand, in this system you're not allowed to use any notes during your interview. I couldn't refer to my resume or break out my hand-written book log to jog my memory about my favorite titles.

It all seems kind of arbitrary: why allow someone to call ahead and get tips? Why not allow someone to use notes? At other systems, it's the exact opposite.

In other news: RW has been Abroad, on a business trip, for the last two days. Isn't that glamorous? She had to do a presentation and was all worried about it, but yesterday she sent an email saying they'd liked it so much they asked her to present it again that afternoon!

She comes home tomorrow. MG and I can't wait.


Blogger Big Poppa said...

Congrats on the interview, it is always good extperience, whether or not you actually get the job. At the very worst you can chalk it up to experience (and at least you tried!) and at the best, you have a new job that you like!

9:39 PM  
Blogger Liz Miller said...

Hooray for the interview and for RW rocking her presentation!!

1:33 PM  

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