Monday, January 02, 2006


You know, if every time I thought about posting, I just posted, instead of letting my thoughts drift onwards, I'd get a lot more written. Of course, RW might leave me, and then where would I be?

Here, for the record, are my resolutions for this year:

1) Write off-line for at least oh, say, 15 minutes per day. Or 500 words. Whichever is longer.

2) Learn to read Torah Trope. The New Groovy Shul has a class in it, this spring. Of course, it's the same day of the week as RW's singing rehearsals, but hey, I'm sure Mermaid Girl would love to tag along to singing. Or, hey, to Torah Trope class!

3) Make myself some Tallit. As soon as I left the Mainstream Conservative Shul, where a lot of people had them, and joined the Groovy Shul, where hardly anyone does, I suddenly wanted some. And I wanted to make them myself so they'd be more Meaningful (and, um, because nice ones for sale cost like $250.00). In the ancient words of my people: Go figure.

4) Get myself to California to meet some blog people, one way or another.

5) Um, try to get to work on time.


Blogger elswhere said...

Oh, Anna, I'll get to the Midwest one of these days, have no fear! But California is as far as we can get in Twinkie in the summer and still get RW back to work in time.

And I can't really write 500 words in 15 minutes. 500 words a day is what I'd like to do, but when work starts up again (tomorrow!) I'll be happy if I can get in 15 minutes.

2:47 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Are tallits the shawls with the long tails?

I refuse to make any kind of resolutions of any sort because I don't seem to take them seriously and I have things that MUST be changed and I dare not make any NY's resolutions about them or I'll be in trouble.

4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That getting to work on time thing is a b*-%$ch!! I manage to do it about once every other week (let us remember, gentle bloggers, that I only do clinic three days per week, so that's not quite as bad as it souncs) and then when I do the patients are invariably late. Go figure!!

My old therapist said it might be a control issue (i.e. if I get there late it's on *my* time instead of *their* evil institutional rules) and that I should think of getting to work on time as time for *me*(e.g. time to visit with coworkers, have a cup of tea, look over labs). It is most likely true but it is NOT helping me get to work on time. I'm sure my life will change and become more smooth after the third baby comes... ha ha.

Your ChanakJul vacation sounded great -- Henry (the four-year-old) and I are going to NYC this weekend for a whirlwind Bat-Mitzvah/60th birthday party (not for the same person) series of celebrations interspersed with viewing of mummies and dinosaurs. A VERY different vacation, but one which I think will be enjoyed by both of us (and hoping very much that the little boy, left home with Papa, will be able to fall asleep without the boob!)

LEt me know if you come up with any work on time ideas!!

aka Marina

11:26 AM  
Blogger elswhere said...

Hi Marina--

The only work-on-time idea I've come up with that does any good at all is to think of it as a rule about when to *leave* for work, not about when to *get* to work, since I persist in believing that I can somehow magically get to work twice as fast as normal if I just really really put my mind to it.

Kate-- yep, shawls with fringes, that's them!

Even making that writing resolution is freaking me out. The only reason I was even able to post about it was that I'd already done it for a few days by then, so I had some momentum going. The others, eh, if they don't get done they don't get done.

Okay must stop discussing this now.

7:10 AM  

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