Friday, July 29, 2005


I think I've mentioned before that I'm not much of a nature girl. Flora and fauna are not really on my radar. But every once in a while such a compelling specimen appears that I can't let it go by without comment. For example, these two creatures, observed last Tuesday afternoon:

On the right, we see a young Mermaid Girlius in her native habitat: the Wooodland Park Zoo.

On the left, a rare find in these parts: the genus Milkbreathium, most commonly spotted in the Vancouver area, but apparently visiting the Southern climes of Seattle earlier this week.

The Milkbreathium is an adventurous sort, especially when accompanied by his intrepid mother, who is able to navigate hundreds of miles of highway on the strength of a brief and slightly erroneous set of directions.

In other words, Rachel and Byron came to visit this week! Rachel has blogged about the visit here, to which I can only add that it was a total treat to meet them both, and Byron is just the way he describes him in her blog, or if possible even more charming.

Come back soon, you guys!


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